Meal Delivery Services

Heart-Healthy Meal Delivery Services: An Overview

September 22, 2021

American and European cardiologists, after several decades of research, have come to the conclusion that the main enemy of the heart is an unhealthy diet. Numerous studies have proven that food not only brings pleasure and satisfaction but also helps the body fight ailments or simply prevents them. When it comes to heart diseases, prevention and a heart-healthy diet are the best weapons.

Many doctors claim that there are several ways to achieve ideal heart health, and one of them is eating the right foods. So what do you need to eat in order for the heart to be healthy, and your “motor” does not junk? Heart healthy food delivery is one of the best options to choose from, but let’s first take a look at some heart-healthy products.


Olives are at the top of the list of heart-healthy foods. No wonder these heart-healthy foods are included in the menus of each heart healthy meal delivery service. Eating olives, as they are heart-healthy, significantly reduces blood cholesterol levels, prevents the formation of blood clots and inflammation.

Moreover, olive oil contains a lot of monounsaturated fats, which can do a great job for our heart. Italians, for example, have the lowest statistics of heart attacks, and it is no coincidence because in Italy they use exclusively olive oil for cooking salads and frying. Olives in combination with olive oil give a fantastic restorative result, that rarely can be found in other heart healthy take out food.


Avocado is a tropical fruit that has recently become incredibly popular. Despite the fact that it is a fruit, most people perceive it as a vegetable. It is used as a base or additive to savory dishes, not desserts. Avocados can be eaten raw and added to salads and sauces. An incredibly healthy fruit, avocado is believed to improve memory and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease thanks to its polyunsaturated fatty acids.

According to scientific studies, it is the lack of these acids that is one of the reasons for the development of atherosclerosis and impaired cholesterol metabolism. And the potassium contained in avocado helps the heart to function properly, normalizes water-salt metabolism, and relieves stress.


Oatmeal is a heart-healthy and satisfying breakfast that will enrich your body with omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium. When combined with high fiber content, these elements can help you lower cholesterol and keep your blood vessels in good shape. Coarse grains are most useful, not instant flakes. Banana, dried apricots, and raisins can serve as an excellent addition to porridge; these fruits and dried fruits contain a lot of potassium, which “feeds” the heart muscle.

Salmon, Redfish

Redfish is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids. They normalize blood pressure. Regular consumption of fish contributes to normal blood clotting. Scientists have shown that there are special fats that protect the heart from high cholesterol – these are omega-3s, which lower “bad” cholesterol. In addition, it contains a powerful antioxidant that strengthens memory and improves brain function.

Redfish can be replaced with tuna, sardines, and even ordinary herring: these fish have the same amount of beneficial omega-3 acids.

Is Sugar Harmful?

Some of the heart healthy meals delivery services eliminate sugar at all. Despite the popularity of “sugar detox” foods, sugar can be present in a healthy diet. It’s important to just keep track of the amount: WHO recommends limiting free sugars to 10% of the calorie intake (ideally <5%). This includes all added sugars in foods, syrups, honey, juices, but excludes natural sugars from fruits, vegetables, and milk.

For example, if your daily calorie intake is 2000 calories, up to 200 calories can come from foods that contain sugar – that’s about 12 teaspoons of sugar, or a couple of glasses of juice, or a chocolate bar.

You should also remember about hidden sugars in supposedly unsweetened foods like ketchup, bread, yogurt, canned corn, plant milk, sauces, and many other processed foods. The sugar they contain must also be counted in the total.

Before You Choose the Best Heart Healthy Meal Delivery Service: General Recommendations

So, here are the general recommendations for you to follow if eager to stick to the healthy diet:

  • heart-healthy food should be varied, energy intake should be optimal to maintain ideal weight;
  • consumption of the following foods should be encouraged: fruits and vegetables, whole grains and breads, low-fat dairy products, lean meat, fish;
  • you should eat foods containing fish oil and w-omega, which have special protective properties;
  • the total fat content should not exceed 30% of the total energy composition, and the saturated fat content should not exceed one third of all fats consumed; the amount of cholesterol consumed should be less than 300 mg/day;
  • with an isocaloric diet, saturated fats must be replaced partly by carbohydrates, partly by monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats from vegetables and fish.

Now, we proceed to the most interesting part: an overview of heart healthy prepared meals services.

Top Services

Factor Meals

Factor is a newer prepared-meal service that’s gaining in popularity. The premise is healthy, tasty, and freshly cooked meals that show up weekly to save you time and help you keep any health, diet, and nutrition goals you may have set for the year. This low cholesterol meal delivery service has the following benefits:

  • heart-healthy meals are delivered fully prepared;
  • heart-healthy options available for several dietary restrictions;
  • offers add-ons, including snacks, shakes, wellness shots, and juices;
  • uses high quality, sustainably sourced ingredients;
  • meals are produced in a gluten-free facility.

Green Chef

Green Chef heart-healthy service operates like most other meal kit services, sending preportioned ingredients, ready to be made into an easy lunch or dinner, only with a strong emphasis on quality, organic produce, meats, and other ingredients where possible. Here are the benefits:

  • sustainable sourcing criteria;
  • the mix of plant-based and protein-forward meals;
  • great variety of cuisines and flavors;
  • certified organic.

With the help of this heart healthy food delivery service, you can add some home flavor to your dishes.

Trifecta Nutrition

Trifecta Nutrition is a subscription-based heart-healthy service that provides a variety of delicious, nutritionally balanced meals. This heart-healthy service offers several meal plans and menu options, which may be especially appealing for people following specific eating patterns like paleo, ketogenic, or vegan diets.

This healthy heart food service also has some other advantages:

  • plans available for several dietary patterns;
  • features organic, sustainably sourced ingredients;
  • may help support weight loss and improve health.


If you want to have heart healthy meals delivered right to your doorstep, choose one of the services we offer and you won’t be disappointed. Products of the highest quality and truly yummy dishes – that’s what they offer.

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